Our Human Algorithm for AI Positioning Success
“Given its potential for profound impact on future business, AI has become a top initiative for me, both as a CEO and a board member.”
“All companies will eventually realize they must be data first to win in this new world. This and a healthy dose of fear will motivate C-level players to win with big data and AI as their new allies.”
We’ve positioned many leading data and AI companies over the past few years. In fact, it’s becoming our thing. After talking with dozens of AI buyers, here’s the inside scoop on three trends we've discovered.
1. AI is on the board’s radar
IDC predicts spending on AI systems will reach $97.9 billion in 2023, more than doubling 2019 spending.* How do AI vendors capture those dollars in a nascent market full of buzzwords? How do you convey that your AI solution gives them a competitive edge, in an understandable, valuable and credible way?
It’s no secret that the board and CEOs alike are focused on data-driven initiatives to win. Today the stakes are higher for solution providers, with the onus to prove value. AI is key to making this a reality.
2. The race is on to prove which vendor is more business-user friendly
While the C-suite races to become data first, AI solution providers are racing to make AI easy for business users. Not only does this positioning approach support AI-driven initiatives, it also allays fears of robots taking away jobs or specialized training. It’s important to position AI as empowering existing staff to add value that only humans can—such as solving problems, building products, or growing the business.
Clients' business-ready usability lingo
3. Pinpointing the right lingo is critical to your story
While AI is becoming a more mainstream term, it still means different things to different people. Finding the correct term is critical to your success. Does your AI story capture the CEO’s and board's attention? Is what you can do for them crystal clear and does it inspire them to reach out for your help? Our research demonstrates that definitions and opinions are all over the map.
AI vs. ML: Market definitions and perceptions
*IDC, (2019, September 4). Worldwide Spending on Artificial Intelligence Systems. Retrieved from https://www.idc.com/getdoc.jsp?containerId=prUS45481219